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Unicode to DV Alankar converter 02


DV Alankar font to Unicode Converter and Unicode to DV Alankar font converter

अलंकार हिंदी फ़ॉन्ट से यूनिकोड कनवर्टर / परिवर्तक और यूनिकोड से अलंकार फ़ॉन्ट कनवर्टर/ परिवर्तक

DV Alankar font is used to type marathi language.

you can convert text typed in DV Alankar font to unicode using this converter.

paste your DV Alankar devnagari text in DV Alankar text box.

press convert to unicode button.  

If you want to convert unicode font to DV Alankar font then paste your text in Unicode text box.

press convert to DV Alankar button.

if you have large text then it may take some time so please wait until conversion is finished.

after conversion your text will shown in other text box. Copy converted text and you can use it where you want.

this converter is free to use. it has no text length size limit, you can use this converter as much you want. there is no daily usage limit.

Put the UNICODE text (plain text or HTML text) in the box below :
Enter chunk size:

The input given in the above box is :

The above text converted to DV-Alankar font is shown in the box below :

if you have any feedback about this converter please leave comment below.

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thank you.

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